Once jpterm has been installed, it can be launched from the command line. You can show the help message like so:

$ jpterm --help

 Usage: jpterm [OPTIONS]

╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --logo                                    Show the jpterm logo.               │
│ --server                            TEXT  The URL to the Jupyter server.      │
│ --collaborative/--no-collaborative        Collaborative mode (with a server). │
│ --experimental/--no-experimental          Experimental mode (with Jupyverse). │
│ --configfile                        TEXT  Read YAML configuration file.       │
│ --set                               TEXT  Set configuration.                  │
│ --help                                    Show this message and exit.         │

The easiest way to launch jpterm is simply by entering jpterm and hitting Enter. Jpterm will run locally on your machine, without needing a Jupyter server.

Jpterm can also be a client to a Jupyter server, just like when you use JupyterLab. While JupyterLab is a Web client that runs in the browser, jpterm runs in the terminal. The two main Jupyter servers are jupyter-server and jupyverse. You can install and launch them like so:

# Install jupyter-server:
pip install "jupyterlab>=4"
pip install jupyter-collaboration
# Launch it:
jupyter lab --ServerApp.token='' --ServerApp.password='' --ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf=True --no-browser --port=8000

# Or install jupyverse:
pip install "jupyverse[jupyterlab, noauth]"
# Launch it:

Then pass the URL of the Jupyter server to jpterm through the --server option:

jpterm --server